Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Day 2

The first proper day in Cuba begun with an early start. It was mainly due to the jet lag so me and Manu had our breakfast at 7.15 . After eating a comprehnsive meal we started our visit of Havana. Everything is perfectly organised with the mini bus always around to facilitate transfers.
The Old Havana is an impressive location, no wonder that UNESCO recognised it as world landmark. Streets are narrow but pedestrianised buildings are of very different types, mostly are painted in bright colours but the state of them range between delerict (about to come down) and recetly restored that look new. We started our tour from Plaza de las Armas up until the Plaza Vieja. During walking tour we came across a variety of characters approching us. The most commons are the one trying to sell you something; newspaper, coins, your poirtrait (done in 2min before approaching you). Second comes the one that offer to take a picture with you at a price, the most characteristic are a street singer, a man with a big sigar in his mouth and two women dresses in typical cuban dress. To conclude there are the one just asking for money ... But also a variety of dogs without owners that seems to be everywhere.
The picture is an installation just next to the American Interests Office. It's calle the "Cien Banderas" the 100 flags, it rapresents the fact will need stop fighting to keep its autodetermination. In a wind day like today it is really impressive.

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